The most obvious form of security is that which surrounds the compound itself in the form of a wall or barbed wire fence. 最明显的安全形式就是在周围设置高墙或者带刺的金属丝栅栏。
A Canadian airport is reviewing its security systems after a woman managed to scale a barbed wire fence and run onto the tarmac in an attempt to stop a plane from taking off. 加拿大一名女子成功越过一机场的倒刺铁丝围栏后,闯入停机坪试图阻止飞机起飞。目前该机场的工作人员正在重新检查机场的安保系统。
After a long Palestinian struggle, Israel on Sunday began changing the route of its security fence near a West Bank village. 经过巴勒斯坦长期的努力,周日,以色列开始变更西岸一个村庄附近的安全隔离墙路径。
And hoses needed to get cooling water from the reservoir to the plant were blocked by a security fence. 此外,从蓄水池取水喷洒降温的橡皮水管,又被安全防护篱笆给阻挡。
On Security Fence of GML-Based System of Geography Information Publishing 基于GML的地理信息发布系统的安全防护研究
But Philippa Hose, a tall, blonde Concierge employee, had to scale a security fence while wearing a pencil skirt and heels in order to disable a client's alarm system during a storm. 在一场暴风雨当中,身穿紧身窄裙和高跟鞋的她翻越了一道安全网,成功关掉了雇主家里不断鸣响的安保系统。
Just outside the security fence of Port au Prince's international airport, scores of Haitians watch the24-hour parade of cargo planes and helicopters. 在太子港国际机场围栏外面,几十名海地人在注视着昼夜不停的货运飞机和直升飞机的起降。
Built to withstand hurricane-force winds, it stands on a12-foot-high pole that can be mounted on a concrete base or attached to a perimeter security fence. 为了抵御飓风,它安装在高12英尺的电杆上,该电杆可安装在混凝土基地或附在周边安全栅栏上。
One night at McChord Air Force Base in Washington, I was dispatched to check out the security fence where an alarm had gone off. 有一天晚上,在华盛顿麦科德空军基地,我被派往去查看一个警报器被触发的安全网墙。
Found her hanging from an OCS security fence this morning. 今早被发现挂在候补军官学校的围墙上。
This paper consider that the carrying out of asset-backed security is now facing the fence of low and market, but an attempt can be done. 本文认为,资产证券化实行目前在我国还有法律和市场上的障碍,但是可以开始尝试。